Being Underweight is not taken as important as being Overweight. All the major news headlines hover around overweight issues. Though, bulk of population fails to understand that being underweight is as important as being overweight.
People who are Underweight can only understand how it feels to be underweight. Being underweight shatters their self confidence in the same way as being overweight. There are few questions which grip the minds of fellas having underweight quotient in their lives. These questions are as follows-
- Is it good to be Underweight?
- What do you do if you are Underweight?
- What are the health risks associated with being Underweight?
- Are you too Thin?
Doesn’t worry, each of your questions will be addressed as you proceed through the blog. Before we address the most important questions, let us try to understand true definition of being Underweight.
What does being Underweight Means?
The definition given by Krause tells that a person is underweight when he/she is 15-20 % below the normal weight.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is also defined as a parameter which is linked with definition of Underweight.
Now, What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
It is a simple mathematical calculation which involves height and weight as two parameters. It is calculated by dividing body weight of a person in kilograms by height in meters. Body Mass Index is a universal parameter which measures Underweight, Normal Weight, Overweight and Obesity irrespective of Gender, Age, Family History or Race.
An individual’s Healthy Weight falls in a range between BMI of 18.5 and 24.9. A BMI more than 25 is considered overweight, and less than 18.5 is considered underweight.
Now, starting from answering the last question ‘Are you too Thin’? So you are too thin when your BMI is less than 18.5 that directly implies that you are Underweight.
Causes of being Underweight
Being Underweight is not a disease but a condition of indication that you are not healthy. You may be underweight due to many causes and reasons. When there are causes and reasons of any unhealthy underlying condition associated with your body, there are Health Risks associated with that unhealthy underlying condition also.
Let us list some of reasons which happen to make you Underweight. These are as follows-
Poor diet (Not taking balanced Healthy Diet)
- Blame the Underweight Genes (It is all natural, from the day you were born)
- Improper digestion (Which may be accompanied by diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s disease)
- Any Kind of Depression or Stress
- Extreme Dieting without Proper Guidance
- Over Activity of Thyroid Gland (The medical term for it is Hyperthyroidism. Your little thyroid gland produces hormone thyroxin which controls overall metabolism and maintains a normal weight for your body. Excessive thyroxin production leads to sudden weight loss issues)
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Certain Medications (Many medicines can lead to either weight loss issues or appetite suppression)
- Excessive Exercise – (Overdoing exercise sessions without taking a good diet can lead to weight loss issues)
Having taken a glimpse, let us try to understand third question ‘What are the health risks associated with being Underweight?’ These are as follows-
Poor Immunity (you may catch infections very quickly)
- Getting tired in few hours without doing any appreciable work
- Osteoporosis in Old Age
- Fertility Problems in Women
- An Eating disorder disease may develop in Future
So, now what you have do when you are underweight? Answering your second question.
- Eat balanced Healthy Diet
- Take Less Stress
- Always exercise under guidance
- Take Sound Sleep
- You can take Ayurvedic Weight Gain Supplements along with Healthy Diet like Accumass.
- Stay Happy and Stop Worrying – Improve your Lifestyle.
Finally, the answer to your first question ‘Is it good to be Underweight’?… Answer yourself… In my opinion – it is not good to be Underweight as it comes with many uninvited health problems and also low Self Confidence.
Reasons for Being Underweight? If you have any other information, Please add in Comments.
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