The type of foods has caught everybody’s attention in the present scenario. As the world is getting globalized so are the types of food. The meaning of good or bad food varies from person to person. For example, for one person who is allergic to mangoes may not consider mangoes a good food. This meaning is purely limited to individual’s personal choice.
Let us switch over to describing Junk Foods. The first mention of junk foods came in 1950’s.So can you guess the country, in which the headlines of a newspaper was gripped by the word junk? And the country is United States of America (USA). The word Junk means Waste or Garbage. But Junk Food does not mean Garbage Food.
People describe some food stuff as junk because it has low nutrition values added by a high content of Sugars, Salts and Fats. Further, Junk Foods are extremely High Calorie Foods and usually contain Synthetic Chemicals which are Harmful.
Real Junk Food Projects are included in school curriculum programmes. Who is not aware of high risk of obesity which children face due to excessive eating of Junk Foods? Well, food plays a very important role in shaping your body especially in your teenage years. Taking good healthy food becomes very significant at this stage of life. Apart from the high weightage given to binging on healthy food at this stage, one should not fail to realize that eating habits govern your life all through.
Are you a Junk Food Junkie? This list of Junk Food items will just satisfy your eyes. Have a look at the list. Junk Food items include –
- Potato Chips
- Soft Drinks
- Fried Food Stuff
- Pizzas
- Processed Breads
- Cookies and cakes
- Burgers
- Hot Dogs
- Noodles
- Candies
- Sugary Cereals
- Marshmallows
- French Fries
Well, the list is endless; these are the food items which people eat out of moderation making the junk kind of thing. You make your body suffer and suffering is a price which you pay for the temptation of these food items.
Obesity and Junk Food
What is Obesity? It simply means having too much Fat in Body. When this too much fat starts to have negative effect on body, then the real obesity problem is said to be started. The type of food you chose to eat governs obesity. For details read- BMI
How Junk Foods make you Obese?
As we know, Junk Food has low nutrition values and high content of Sugars, Salts and Fats. The high content of Sugars, Salts and Fats makes it high Calorie Food. It is really not shocking why the food which is not good for our heath (alas!!! Junk Food) appeals to us. As the synthetic chemicals incorporated in it helps release `Good Feel’ hormones which are directed related to the sensory power of tasting in us.
Obesity is dangerous as it comes with many uninvited problems like Heart Diseases, Cancers, Joint Problems, Overweight Issues, Poor Mental Health, Diabetes, Stroke, Digestive Problems like Constipation etc.
Control the intake of Junk Foods and replace them with healthy foods like Whole Grains, Nuts, Vegetables, Fruits, Legumes etc.
Junk Foods and its Harmful Effects
`Say No to Junk Food’ is the slogan on placards during health awareness rallies. So there are reasons why eating junk food is not good. Cutting down your junk food intake is the part of junk food challenge which many people follow but quit soon. Well, going through the harmful effects may motivate some people who really want to eat healthy. Seven Harmful Effects of Junk Food are as follows-
- Low energy levels
- Poor Immunity
- Retarded growth and development problems in children
- Unnecessary Weight Gain (further leading to path of obesity)
- Increase in number of Chronic Diseases like Heart Diseases and Cancer
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Depression in Teenagers (Read the following book for details- “Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat.”-.”-Andrew F. Smith)
To conclude, once in a blue moon it is really okay to binge over high tempting Junk Foods. The routine excessive intake of Junk Food is really Not Good for your Health.
An American singer sums it up very nicely about junk food .Her lines are-
`Junk food Drags you Down’– Miranda Lambert
Junk Food ? In case of any info or query regarding this, please add in comments.
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