Ankle joint pain is the common kind of joint pain which one happens to experience in their lives at one time or the other. It refers to kind of pain which gives pain all over the foot or sometimes a kind of pain which radiates to the leg muscles thus causing pain all over the leg. Ankle joint pain broadly comes under foot pain. Ankle joint pain is one of the most common reasons for foot pain.
So, What is Ankle Joint?. Ankle Joint is the most important Joint whose wear and tear can really make your life problematic. What is the use of living a life when you cannot walk comfortably? Not only just walking but when lifting a low weight object becomes a major issue in your life.
So, What constitutes Ankle Joint? The ankle joint is constituted by the meeting of leg and foot bones and this is the sole joint which has the responsibility of moving your foot in upward and downward motion. And Ankle Joint is made of three bones, these are as follows-
Fibula Bone– It is the little small bone of the lower leg part that beautifully forms the outermost part of the ankle
Tibia Bone- It is largest bone as in contrast to smallest fibula bone and it forms the inside part of the ankle.
Talus Bone or Heel Bone– It is a small bone between Tibia and Fibula bone.
The basic anatomical arrangement of these bones is incomplete without mentioning the cartilage which covers the ends of bone and thin membrane called synovium which helps in cushioning of joints through secretion of synovial fluid.
There are many questions which come into your mind when they suffer from mild to chronic ankle joint pain. The questions could be- `Why does the outside of my ankle hurt’? or `Why there is sharp pain in ankle comes and goes? ‘ or `Why there is ankle pain and swelling?’ or `why there is ankle pain and no swelling?’ or` Foot and ankle osteoarthritis?’…
The answers to these questions can be easily understood by knowing the causes for your ankle joint pain. The different causes list is as follows-
Osteoarthritis-It is the chronic form of Arthritis in which there is a breakdown of cartilage and we all know cartilage serves the purpose of protecting your bones and joints by preventing rubbing against each other. So ankle joint stiffness follows even when we think to even avoid.
Infectious Arthritis-when there is infection of joints by some blood stream roaming microorganisms like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus etc. Bacterial joint inflammation can lead to ankle pain and swelling accompanying it.
Gout or Pseudogout- Gout and Pseudo Gout are the names given to this type of Arthritis. Variants of uric acid crystal depositions lead to defining gout and pseudo gout differently. Most commonly affected joint by gout or pseudogout is knee joint but ankle joints are also not spared.
Sudden Injuries-When you suddenly fall or twist your foot like in getting a sudden strain or sprain, the hit at your ankle will cause pain which may be accompanied by swelling if the damage is more.
The above written causes are the few causes which cause ankle joints pain. Other reasons and some tips to take care of Ankle Joint includes-
- Not buying good shoes for running. Ankle and foot care should be your topmost priority while choosing shoes for running.
- Ignoring health like as in ignoring any infectious disease which can spread to your joints can be fatal. And don’t forget if an infection can affect your ankle joint which is kind of farthest from your pumping heart-The danger levels by the infectious agent is high in body.
- Any sudden swelling accompanying by pain and stiffness of ankle joints should never be ignored.
- Adopt natural Ayurvedic gel or ointment for ankle joint pain. Sometimes, anti-joint pain sprays should be used for giving sudden relieve.
- Even if the pain doesn’t go, it is better go to doctor take the X-ray image and then start the ankle joint pain treatment as soon as possible.
So, don’t ignore the slightest pain if it happens to take place in your ankle joint. Though Ankle joint may seem a baby joint which you can choose to ignore but what you will suffer as a result of little ignorance can really turn your joint health off. So, don’t ignore ankle joint pain. Happy ankle joint is the precursor for happy healthy foot. Have a Happy Healthy Foot!!!