Weight gain has become a major problem among people of almost all age groups. When it comes to weight loss, exercise remains always on the top. However, your diet also plays an important to maintain a good health.
What we eat plays an essential role to maintain our overall health. With exercise, taking healthy diet can speed up the process of weight. So, whenever you plan to lose weight make sure you are eating healthy.
Besides eating healthy food, drinking something healthy can also work well for your weight loss process. Adding one glass of some healthy beverages can make your body fit and fine.
Here is the list of some natural beverages that you must take to give a right shape to your body.
Water :
When it comes to weight loss, water always exists on top. Increasing water intake is one of the simplest ways to improve overall health. Drinking more water leads to detoxifying your body and also helps in burning calories.
Various researches have shown that taking water before meal can help in burning calories and losing weight in a proper and natural way. You can take water either cold or slightly warm. But, for the faster results taking one glass of lukewarm water early in the morning before meal will be a better approach.
So, what are you thinking? Start taking water from today and see the difference in your body. No another option can be much better than this.
Ginger Tea :
Ginger is popularly used as a spice to add flavor to food. Moreover, it is also used as an herb to treat a number health issues such as nausea, cold and arthritis. Various studies have shown that this flavourful root has great benefits for weight loss.
According to a study, when 10 overweight men took 2 grams of ginger powder dissolved in hot water, they experienced less hunger as a comparison to days when no ginger tea was consumed. Ginger can promote fullness, decrease appetite and increase metabolism, which is helpful for weight loss.
Vegetable Juice :
Vegetable juice is another good option to reduce the body weight. Taking this beneficial juice on regular basis can do wonder to your health.
Besides this, eating whole vegetables are also the best choice for health due to the high amount of fibers.
Lemonade :
Lemons are enriched with Vitamin C so better to strengthening immune system. Lemons also help in protecting against Rheumatoid Arthritis. Moreover, lemon has an active compound known as Limonoids contains anticancer properties.
You can add lemon and honey to lukewarm water and take in early in the morning for the better results. Organic honey helps in preventing gut problems, improving cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation.
On another side, lemons are loaded with vitamin C, which flushes out toxins and boosts immune system. Moreover, intake of limes also helps in maintaining good pH balance that promotes optimum internal heath.
Tomato and Lime Juice :
Tomatoes are fine source of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that act against obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases. Limes are rich in vitamin C and contain antioxidant properties, boost immunity and improve overall health.
For this purpose, you need a cup of sliced tomatoes, 1/2 lime juice and a pinch of black salt. Blend all the tomatoes in blender and pour out the juice into a glass. And then add lime juice and a pinch of salt into the glass. Stir the mixture and drink it.
Coconut Water and Pineapple Juice :
Coconut water and pineapple juice mixture is also a perfect option for weight loss. You need to take one glass of pineapple juice and mix it with coconut water. To give some flavor, you can also add ½ teaspoon of ground fennel seeds and pinch of black salt.
Coconut water helps in weight loss by controlling appetite. It is also a good option for skin and improving kidney function. On the other side, pineapple contains bromelian, which reduces inflammation, promotes digestions and helps in preventing unnecessary blood clotting.
Fennel seeds stimulate digestion; prevent nausea, indigestion and bloating.
So, are ready to give a right shape to your body? If yes, you must follow all above-mentioned tips.
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