How to Increase Lean Body Mass? How to Get Healthy and Fit Body? What is Lean Mass? The biggest question when it comes to fit and healthy body. Lean mass refer to all components of your body which are not fat, which includes organs, muscle, bones and connective tissue. Lean mass requires more energy for your body to sustain than fat hence it requires metabolic boost, making weight management easier. Excess of fat puts you at a risk of getting any disease but muscles add strength and stamina to body. Lean body mass diet helps to maintain and even builds muscle while losing fat. Answer to all the queries for lean mass is Exercise along with nutritive and quality diet.
Lean Mass Measure
To determine the lean body mass, just subtract the body fat percentage from 100. The measure of lean mass is usually shown as a percentage of body fat not lean mass. For instance, an average woman has body fat level of 25 to 31 percent and average man 18 to 24 percent. So taking the percent of lean mass, in case of average woman 69 to 75 percent and average man has 76 to 82 percent.
For a fit body, the average fat is even lower, 21 to 24 percent for women and 14 to 17 percent for men. Women and men with body fat more than 32 % and 25 % are considered obese. After 30, as a natural result of aging, without exercise you experience a loss of 3 to 8 percent of body mass.
Diet for Lean Mass
The leaner you want to become, the more changes you will have to make in your lifestyle. The goals for your body, itself will make you clear how your diet should be. In case you want to reduce fat from obese to average, you will have to add some extra exercise in your routine and especially removing sweets and soda from diet.
A controlled and healthy diet help you to achieve calorie deficit required to lose a fat. A pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories so to lose 1 pound in a week, you need to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.
Dietary Requirements to Build Muscle and Lose Fat
Add sufficient protein to meals to prevent the loss of lean mass as you cut calories. Good sources of protein include eggs, fish, white meat poultry, Lean steak, low fat dairy etc. Giving a detailed view, roasted chicken contains 41 grams and egg contains 6 grams. In this way you can calculate the protein intake. The amount of protein required per day depends on your goals, fitness level, frequency and intensity of the workout you are into.
Prefer Whole foods with Protein
Fat loss is supported by foods which are watery, fibrous vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains and unsaturated fats. An appropriate lean mass protein meal includes roasted salmon with brown rice and steamed broccoli, eggs with spinach and tomatoes along with a banana etc. Amount appropriate depends on exact calorie needs and protein intake goals. Snacks might include some raw almonds, cotton cheese with blueberries. A rich protein diet including whole grain crackers, yogurt must be consumed right after your training session to promote muscle growth and repair.
Exercise to get a Lean Body
Weight loss is not always a symbol to learn that your lean tissue to fat ratio is improving. When your intention is to get a leaner frame, weight training is necessary. Always use the weight which is challenging by the last two three repetitions and keeping adding more weight per week. Go for three to four workouts per week. Do Cardiac Exercise also, from low intensity exercise to moderate and finally high intensity exercise.
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