Fixing Constipation is very easy task which can be done by using out Home based ways for getting relief from Constipation. It is always advisable to check the Signs & Symptoms of Constipation in the very beginning and resolving them.
These Easy Remedies for Constipation will help to keep constipation at bay bringing out your successful toilet stories. The prime initiative required to eliminate constipation is accepting it, understanding the symptoms and ready to talk on it.
Natural Constipation Remedies at your help:
Eat more Fiber: It is a major thing needed to create our Poo. Fiber is indigestible and our bodies can’t absorb it so it adds bulk to bowel movements making poo softer and easier to pass. Prefer taking food Fiber. Fresh fruits and Vegetables have more Fiber than their canned counterparts. Prefer whole fruit instead of vegetable and fruit juices as Fiber is removed from it during the juicing process.
Here is list of Food High in Fiber helping to relieve Constipation:
- Flaxseeds, Sesame Seeds
- Prunes (Dried Plums)
- Nuts (Almonds, Pistachios)
- Avocados
- Chia Seeds
- Figs
According to the American Heart association, you should get 25-30 gram of Fiber daily.
Drink More Water:The best way to Treat Constipation is keep your body Hydrated. There are numerous reasons to stay hydrated and having a healthy bowel movement tops the chart. Colon absorbs water turning body waste from mush to solid. Water helps the poo process go smoothly. Drink at least 2-3 liters of Water Daily.
Excessive Alcohol & Caffeine will Dehydrate you.
Get Enough Exercise: It is better to exercise than to face trouble at the toilet seat. Here what you need is to change your Lifestyle.
As per 2016, Participation released from Physical Activity Council
- 28% of Population is Inactive.
- Not only this, the largest age group which is found to be inactive is 65 and above and this is the age group which experiences constipation frequently.
This clearly brings out the relation between Constipation and physical activity. Exercise is the best way for keeping your bowel movement regular and getting rid of Constipation. Every time is considered good when it comes to get moving. The more you work out, the more nutrients get absorbed get absorbed in the body, Circulating Blood and Oxygen, Ultimately Stimulating Colon.
The best work out to help cut constipation problem is Aerobics, Cardio. These exercise pump breathing and heart rate, making intestine naturally contract helping stools to pass quickly
Use a Footstool: Squat position the ideal position to pass Stool – prefer a Footstool. Putting legs up on the footstool, allows poo to move through straighter colon, opposed to angle. This helps to put lesser effort in passing stool out from the body. You just need to give your legs a lift for squatty potty.
Try Yoga Poses: Yoga not only help to beautify body from outside but it also help to be beautiful from inside. Yoga has a great deal of benefits, amongst them one is preventing Constipation.
Here are few for your help:
- Child’s Pose
- Plough Pose
- Wind Releasing Pose
- Eat Fermented Foods:
Along with releasing poo, Fiber also helps in maintaining Healthy Gut Bacteria Environment.
When your gut bacteria are unstable, it sends that something is not right. Eating fermented food with Fiber helps in replenishing Healthy Gut Bacteria.
Here is the list of Food for your help:
- Kimchi
- Kombucha
- Sauerkraut
- Raw Kefir
These Constipation Remedies are definitely going to help you out.
Natural Constipation Remedies? In case you have any info to add, please add in comments.
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