Are Steroids worth the Risk? Do Steroids make you Gain Weight? Why do you Gain Weight when you take Steroids? The questions related to steroids and weight gain is diverse. Steroids seem to be a doing a good business in weight gain supplement in market.
This blog is not to criticize steroids but to lay harsh truth before you- Steroids Overview!!! Well, it is necessary to shed light on what steroids do to your body apart from gaining weight.
It is important to know in general – What are Steroids?
Steroids are organic compounds having four ring structure arranged in specific configuration (Chemistry lovers-see the image). Many naturally found hormones and vitamins found in our body is of steroid nature. Examples include Sex Hormones (Estradiol and Testosterone), Cholesterol etc.
Steroids in weight gain supplement powders are synthetically synthesized chemical compounds in laboratory in trying to create the exact chemically defined steroids which god put in our body for purpose.
All gym lovers or muscle building fellas say steroids, technically referring to Anabolic Steroids?
What are Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic Steroids or drugs are chemically related to Testosterone (Male Sex Hormone) that helps in muscle growth and further activating production of Natural Steroids present in human body in the same way.
Having understood `What are steroids’? Let us jot down names of Popular Steroids. The list is as follows –
- Prednisone
- Deca-Durabolin
- Anavar
- Winstrol
- Stanozolol
- Dianabol
Now, when you go to market to buy Weight Gain Supplements, try reading some names in the composition given for a particular weight gain supplement.
Common Side Effects of Steroids
Steroids help to Gain Weight fast and have a temporary effect on Gaining Weight. But, it leaves you with side effects which linger-on for the whole life. Common side effects of Steroids are as follows-
Behavioral Changes (as in increasing your Aggressive Behavior, Mood Swings)
- Skin Changes (Acne, Pimples and Oil Skin – A Natural gift of using Steroids -ALAS!!!)
- Changes in Bowel and Urinary Habits
- Facial Hair in Women
- Effects on Reproductive System of both Male and Female
- Sound Sleep Problems (May result in insomnia)
- High Blood Pressure (in few cases) Gaining Weight from steroid filled weight gain supplements may seem attractive and easy approach. Well, it helps in building muscle mass very quickly but these common side effects are not easy to avoid on long – term basis.
Once the side effects start appearing, an individual may even not be able to exercise. All you have given to increasing weight to building muscle mass-may go in vain in the end.
Taking steroids alter biochemical reactions of the body, the same – which consuming excessive alcohol does to your body.
What another point is common between Alcohol Intake and Steroid Intake?
They both are addictive. Many athletes have given statements about how addictive they feel for the steroid, once they have incorporated them in their normal Diet Schedule.
Stop searching for Best Steroids for Weight Gain, instead Go Natural. Include Healthy Foods, Good Exercise Schedule and Herbal Weight Gain Supplement (ACCUMASS – STEROID FREE) to Gain Permanent Weight in a Natural Way.
Also remember – Healthy Weight Gain doesn’t happen Overnight… All it takes Patience and Persistence.
Steroids – Get Facts on Steroids and its Side Effects? If you have any other information, Please add in Comments.
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