Constipation & Healthy Poo — are no more amongst the stories which should be kept hidden behind the toilet papers.
We need to understand that healthy poop is one of the important part of our everyday well-being. Undoubtedly Chronic or mild Constipation are not very hot and loving topics to be discussed but yet we need to broaden our mindset for healthier you.
Today For you, we have the Simplest Way to treat Constipation. Here is “4 – F Solution for Constipation”. Just Follow them and you will how this work as the best way to relieve from Constipation.
Here We Go :
Fiber : Know the foods that help you Poop… dietary fibers. It comes in two forms insoluble and soluble. Bothe Rea equally required for healthy poop.
Insoluble fiber does not absorb water it just acts as the bristles in the broom top sweep out poop from the body. Along with this, it has mild laxative effect, with ensures healthy elimination. To increase insoluble fiber prefer foods like Seeds, Nuts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Onions, Root Vegetable Skin.
Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel in intestine, bulks up poop, makes it smooth leading to healthy elimination. To increase soluble Fibers Food like Apples, Oatmeal, Oranges, Pears, Beans, Lentils, Flax etc.
Fluid : Remember to increase your fluid intake, whenever you increase Fiber in your Diet. As solid Fiber absorbs water, so you need to drink more water to stay hydrated and prevent constipation.
Here is an easy way to estimate, the amount of water you need each day:
- Examine your Pee : It should be light straw color. The simple formula is, the darker your pee gets, the more concentrated it has become so you need to raise your water intake.
- Divide your Body weight By 2 : This calculation gives you appropriate of water one should drink in ounces per day.
Flora : Over 100 trillion bacteria’s are there in our intestine which ultimately ends up in poop. Even bacteria are classified as good and bad. Probiotics (Good Bacteria) help in keeping us regular with bowel movement. Probiotics with the Digestive Enzymes, Break Down Food to release nutrients in body.
How to increase good bacteria in gut to relieve constipation?
1- Take High Fiber Foods (Prebiotics)
2- Take high quality Probiotic Supplement
3- Have Food like Sauerkraut, Miso, etc
Fitness : In case you want to you poop to move smoothly, you to need to make your body move. Exercise stimulates natural contractions of intestine and tones the muscles of core to create healthy elimination. Yoga, Brisk walk helps to ease Constipation. Aerobics, Swimming on regular basis is very effective in long run to keep Constipation at bay.
The Best & Simplest way to relieve from Chronic Constipation? If you have any info to add, please add in comments.
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