Yoga dates back to a period 5,000 years ago period. The first mention of the word yoga was found in oldest sacred texts belonging to Rig Veda Period. The Brahmans and Rishis (Mystic Seers) gave meaning to the practice of Yoga by slowing going in depth and developing it further.
The following lines from Bhagavad Gita gave a little insight. These lines are:
`Yoga is the Journey of the Self Through The Self To The Self’
- Yoga is very helpful in improving the overall metabolism of the body. Exercises, healthy diet and yoga are three important pillars of the holistic approach towards a healthy body and a healthy mind. Knee Joint Pain can be due to following reasons including Arthritis, Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis, Septic Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendinitis, Gout and Pseudo Gout, Strains, Sprains and Injuries. For Details – Joint Pain Causes & Treatment
- Inadequate Physical Exercises and Unhealthy Diet aggravate joint pain further.
The brilliance of Yoga Asanas helps in relieving joint pain in many ways as it improves overall metabolism by increasing blood circulations and strengthening your weak muscles. Yoga Asanas for knee pain relief provide additional benefits by Increasing leg Strength and Minimizing Knee Adduction.
Yoga Stretching Exercises for Knee Pain
Can Yoga help with knee pain? The answer is a positive yes. One has to perform these yoga Asanas mindfully. These yoga poses help prevent knee problems and associated disease conditions .Want to remain fit and flexible always?? Having Weak Knees? Do some Yoga.
Eight Effective Yoga Asanas/Poses for Knee Pain are-
Hero Pose ( Virasana )
Kneel down on floor in a position with knees apart and thighs parallel to each other. Incline towards forward direction and turn the calves outwards with your hands. Always breathe out when you kneel down on floor. Hands should be placed on thighs with palms facing in downward direction. Remain in hero pose for one minute and then repeat.
Mountain Pose ( Tadasana )
Stand with your legs joined and raised heels in a slightly apart manner. Let your hands lay by the side in a comfortable way. Hold this pose for around 3-5 minutes. You can also press into the floor with all four corners of the feet and as you press into your feet do engage your calf muscles so as to feel the stretch. Remember your sole should remain in touch with the ground all through.
Tree Pose ( Vrikshasana )
Gently stand in Mountain pose which is briefed above. Standing in this pose, stretch the body by shifting Body Weight on the left foot from right foot. Now incline your right knee and hold it in air for few seconds by balancing with act of holding the foot of the right knee of right leg. Now, bring sole of your right foot towards the inner side of left thigh and let it be placed here. The foot should be placed in such a way that right heel is pressed into the left groin inner area with the toes pointed to the floor.
Easy Pose ( Sukhasana )
Lotus is the popular name of this pose. It is the starting and ending pose of every yoga class. If your knees hurt already, simply sit cross legged (even crossing legs will hurt you on your weak knees).This lotus pose has the position of both feet in the crooks of your thighs.This pose will definitely stretch your knees and ankles. Sit up with the straight back and breathe in and out for 10 breaths. You can increase your breaths with time as you feel comfortable with Easy Pose.
Child’s Pose ( Balasana )
It is a gentle mild knee stretch whose intensity can be increased as you move closer towards your bottom in direction of your heels. In this pose, your feet should be together with your toes untucked and knees are separated so that belly can rest between the thighs. Your forehead on the floor laded with mat with the arms extended out comfortably. Make sure to keep blankets behind the knees or on the heels. Child’s pose can be held for 8 to 10 breaths. You can increase your breaths with time as you feel comfortable with Child’s Pose.
Triangle Pose ( Trikonasana )
It is a great pose for strengthening the muscles that support the inner quadriceps. It improves the overall knee mobility and strength .This pose helps induce rapid weight loss and activates your metabolism. Outer part of Quadriceps and inner part of Quadriceps get weak in Knee related weaknesses and injuries. Step your feet widely so that your left foot is parallel with the back of your mat and your right foot is turned out at a 90 degree angle position, aligned parallelly with the inside horizontal edge of the mat. Right knee should be bent so that it lines up with the ankle and hip. Press into both feet and straighten the right leg, engaging the inner part of your quad and thigh. Reach your right arm straight down and rotate upward with the left side of your body. Hold for a few breaths, come in normal position and then repeat again.
Camel Pose ( Ustrasana ):
Camel pose is the best yoga pose for getting relief from knee pain .It looks very similar to Chakrasana. Sit comfortably on knees and bend backwards, simultaneously hold your right ankles or heel with right hand and do the same for left hand and left ankle. Try to bend your neck, head backwards and waist area forward as flexibly you can. After 8 seconds of the position, return to normal position. Repeat and increase the rounds as you are more comfortable with Camel Pose.
Supported Chair Pose ( Utkatasana )
It is usually practiced away from the wall, but for the starters support of wall is needed. Place your feet distance apart. Lean your back taking the support of wall and slide down till your knees and ankles are in parallel position with each other. One can place their hands on thighs or pointing the arms towards the ceiling, as comfortable it is for someone. Hold the pose for a few breaths then slide back up. Repeat several times. With Supported Chair Pose, overall strengthening of quadriceps and hamstrings is achieved. This pose also improves blood circulation and makes your legs stronger.
Yoga Asanas have to be performed under supervision of a good yoga instructor. Breathing should be monitored in accordance with a particular Asanas. Lower pain pain and other chronic conditions may stop you from performing Yoga Asanas. Learn from a expert and get your positions right, also telling the concerned instructor of any underlying problem you are suffering from.
“Heal Your Mind and Body with Good Yoga Regime”
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